Double Clutch Transmission – Advantages And Disadvantages Explained
“The double clutch transmission is referred to by several names, like an automated manual transmission, semi-automatic transmission, and the clutch-less manual transmission. A regular manual transmission vehicle would use one clutch and a clutch pedal. The double clutch transmission uses two separate clutches with no clutch pedal. Since there is no clutch pedal, the clutches are controlled through hydraulics and advanced computer electronics. This is the same technology that you’d find in many of the regular automatic transmission vehicles.
The Top 5 Advantages of a Double Clutch Transmission
Below are the top 5 advantages of using a double clutch transmission vehicle.
Easy Acceleration
Many people who have driven double clutch transmission vehicles have said that their acceleration is a breeze. This is due to the gearshifts being able to change quickly and allowing you to accelerate in far less time than in a manual or automatic transmission vehicle. You can upshift in just eight milliseconds, creating a dynamic and smooth acceleration experience.
No Shift Shock
Manual transmission vehicles will often generate a jolt each time a gear is changed. This jolt is called a shift shock and it can be quite annoying. Fortunately, double clutch vehicles do not have this shift shock when gears are changed.
Fuel Economy
There is no interruption when energy flows to the transmission from the engine. Because of this, the fuel economy of the vehicle becomes greatly improved. With the enhanced fuel economy, you will also have better fuel efficiency too.
No Clutch Pedal
You will have a lot more room around your feet because the double clutch vehicles do not use a clutch pedal. This makes the space between your feet feel like you’re in an automatic.
Driver Options
Drivers can even select whether they want the central computer to control the shifting or if they want to manual control it themselves. Since there is no clutch pedal, you can manually shift by using the easily accessible buttons.
The Top 5 Disadvantages of a Double Clutch Transmission
Below are the top 5 disadvantages of using a double clutch transmission vehicle.
You can’t expect to find a double clutch vehicle to be priced the same as an economy car. It costs manufacturers a lot more money to produce these vehicles on the assembly lines. This makes the final vehicle a lot more expensive to consumers. So, if you’re counting your dollars closely, then you might be turned off by this vehicle’s price.
Low Selection
Due to the expense of integrating a double clutch transmission system into a vehicle, many car manufacturers are electing not to use them. That is why most double clutch transmission systems are found in high-performance cars and luxury cars. Most people are not in the market for a high-performance car, so their options are going to be limited here.
Turbo Lag
If you have a turbocharged engine and a double clutch transmission in your vehicle, you will experience something known as turbo lag. This lag comes about after you switch to the turbo mode, and it is easy to feel.
Low Gear Jerkiness
When the lower gears are set, the car tends to be a bit jerky at times. Although, this would explain why the double clutch transmission is so popular in high-performance
Slow to Motion
If the vehicle is already stopped and you want the gears to shift so you can move the vehicle, it may take a few seconds for the gears to engage. So, going from a static position to a moving position is a bit delayed.”
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