Shock Absorber Failure Signs – When To Have Your Shock Absorbers Replaced

“In their simplest form, shock absorbers are hydraulic (oil) pump like devices that help to control the impact and rebound movement of your vehicle’s springs and suspension. Along with smoothening out bumps and vibrations, the key role of the shock absorber is to ensure that the vehicle’s tyres remain in contact with the road surface at all times, which ensures the safest control and braking response from your car.”

What Do Shock Absorbers Do?

“Essentially, shock absorbers do two things. Apart from controlling the movement of springs and suspension, shock absorbers also keep your tyres in contact with the ground at all times. At rest or in motion, the bottom surface of your tyres is the only part of your vehicle in contact with the road. Any time that a tyre’s contact with the ground is broken or reduced, your ability to drive, steer and brake is severely compromised. Despite popular belief, shock absorbers do not support the weight of a vehicle.”

Shock Absorber Failure Signs

  • Stopping Distance – Longer Stopping Distance
  • Car Nose-Dives – Swerving & Nose-Dives
  • Car Vibrating – Vibrations
  • Car Sliding – Car Sliding & Veering
  • Car Rocking – Rocking & Rattling
  • Tyre Wear – Uneven Tyre Wear

Shock Absorber Failure Signs – When To Have Your Shock Absorbers Replaced

Stopping Distance – Longer Stopping Distance

“Having worn shock absorbers on your vehicle can increase your stopping distance by up to 20%. As you increase your travelling speed this will also increase the distance it takes your vehicle to completely stop. This 20% extra distance can be enough to cause a fatal incident and should be attended to as soon as possible.”

Car Nose-Dives – Swerving & Nose-Dives

“Does your car dip or swerve under braking? If so, you need to have your shock absorbers checked. If you do dip or swerve under braking it decreases your control over the car which can be very dangerous in wet weather.”

Car Vibrating – Vibrations

“Are you getting vibrations through the steering wheel as you’re driving along? If your shocks are working properly they should keep your tyres in optimal contact with the road and there shouldn’t be any vibrations. If this problem occurs you need to be cautious, at high speeds the vibrations can be more intense and decreasing overall control of the vehicle.”

Car Sliding – Car Sliding & Veering

“Do you have to correct car sliding or veering across the road in mild winds? This is a tell-tale sign of worn shocks and can be easily fixed with a shock replacement.”

Car Rocking – Rocking & Rattling

“If your vehicle rattles and rocks over bumps, railway tracks and uneven surfaces it is highly likely your shocks are heavily worn. Along with an unpleasant ride this rocking and rolling can be putting unwanted pressure on other car components and should be seen to as soon as possible.”

Tyre Wear – Uneven Tyre Wear

“Can you see bald patches or uneven wear on your tyres? This usually means your tyres don’t have optimal contact with the road, which can be caused by worn shocks. This will have an affect on car control and tyre grip and both should be checked and replaced.”

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